4 Tips For Getting More Donations

Do you feel like your online fundraising site isn’t getting as many donors as you should?

Here are some tips to help you get more clicks on your donate button.

Have a strong call to action

Donors are far more likely to donate online when the action you are asking them to do is clearly spelled out – whether it be a request to donate, join your mailing list, or share on social media.

Your call to action needs to be enticing to the potential donor visiting your site. Your financial need isn’t as interesting to a potential donor as the specific way donating helps the donor support causes that are important to them.

And, your call to action needs to be prominent, not buried somewhere on the page where a reader cannot easily find it.

Make the “donate now” button easy to find

If people cannot find the donate now button, they aren’t going to donate.

The button should always be placed above the fold – the area the viewer will see without having to scroll on your website. With longer pages, multiple buttons strategically placed are worthy of consideration.

Make your button large – large buttons that stand out are easier to find and usually get a higher response rate than smaller ones.

Make sure your button uses specific language – “Donate Now” or “Give Now” are popular choices.

Create a sense of urgency

Fundraising throughout the year is common for many organizations. Even though you may be continually raising funds, donors are far more responsive when their is a deadline or an urgent need is expressed.

One way to create a sense of urgency is to tie a campaign to a specific goal with a deadline.

Another way to create a sense of urgency is to describe specifically what you are requesting funds for, how those funds will help, and also describing what will happen if the funds are not received.

Follow Up With Your Donors

Giving feels good. Knowing specifically how your donation helped is even better.

One easy way to increase repeat donors is by following up with your donors regularly and sharing the successes their donation helped create. More frequent communication means more frequent donations.

Cultivating a steady stream of online donors takes time and patience, but is one of the best ways to fund the initiatives close to your heart and to the heart of your donor.

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