12 Ways to Thank Your Supporters on Thanksgiving!

photo: eater.com

Now that Thanksgiving is right around the corner, it’s a great time to thank those who mean the most to your organization: your supporters! Here are 12 ways to do it:

1. Newsletter. In your next newsletter, include a personalized item of thanks to a specific supporter. You can call out the biggest ones, select a smaller supporter at random, or both!

2. Facebook. Post a status update and tag a supporter. (Bonus points for using a photo of the supporter in action at an event.)

3. Twitter. Call out a donor by naming their Twitter account in a tweet.

4. Special titles/designations. Be creative and come up with titles for supporters you want to thank so that they can have special status in the organization.

5. Priority seating. At your next event, seat the biggest supporters up front.

6. Special roles at events. Let certain supporters cut ribbons to start walks, make announcements regarding ultimate fundraising numbers, and handle other special roles.

7. Videos. Create a “thank you” video after an event or campaign and post it on YouTube. Then send the link to supporters.

8. Naming. No matter how small your organization is, there are always places to put names of supporters. Whether it’s a massive list on a wall or a simple plaque on a table, they’ll appreciate it. There’s no need for it to be expensive, the point is just to demonstrate that they are a part of the organizational family.

9. Letters from beneficiaries. Whoever your organization helps, you can have the individuals benefitted write notes, send emails, or post messages of thanks to supporters. Simple webcam videos are welcome, too.

10. Discounts. If you have partnerships with vendors of any kind, ask if they’d like to give a donation by providing a discount to your supporters. That way, supporters can get tangible benefits as a show of gratitude.

11. Small gifts. In addition to the usual pins, hats, and shirts, you can also provide unusual, low-cost, meaningful gifts. If your supporters helped build something, for example, you can give out small jars of dirt from the site. Find inexpensive ways to give supporters an item that demonstrates their concrete connection to a particular cause.

12. Party! Organize a party that’s a social event for your supporters. Even if it’s potluck, and even if you’re fundraising alongside it, make the core of the event a “thank you” to supporters and a celebration of what you’ve all accomplished together.

If you have other ideas, or want to comment on any of these tips, please leave share with us!