10 Inspiring Nonprofit Facebook Pages

The passion of those who work for nonprofits manifests in some very neat ways.  This post is an appreciation of those nonprofits that have made creative and inspiring Facebook pages.

1. The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation

 The CDRF page has a map of the people relevant to their cause, from beneficiaries, to caregivers, and more.  A very cool way to visualize their network.

2. Charity: Water

Charity:  Water’s cover photo takes you directly to a campaign contribution page with a progress bar and a two-sentence explanation of their cause.  Super simple, super clean, super contagious.

3. Project 7

On Project 7’s page, there’s a link right at the top to their half-year “Impact Report.”  If anyone is curious as to what, exactly, the organization has done, there’s a 10-line infographic that makes it quite clear.

4. Doctors Without Borders

The front page of Doctors Without Borders draws you right into their world with a subtle picture from the front lines.  It’s a solid reminder of whom you’re supporting.

5. The Special Olympics

You know generally whom the Special Olympics benefits, but have you ever learned the story of one of their athletes?  From their Facebook page, there’s a portal to a “Meet the Athletes” series of videos that is a great way to color in the details for supporters.

6. The Kind Campaign

The Kind Campaign has boiled down their message to two words, and they’re the first things you see when you hit Facebook.  We’re sold.

7. Oceana

Oceana’s Facebook page sends you to a campaign selector, where you can find a cause that speaks to you and fire off a message to an official in seconds.  Instant action.

8. Greenpeace

Keeping with the “demand action immediately” theme, Greenpeace is right on the viewer, asking for help.  The problem is clear and the solution is highly clickable.

9. Goodwill

If you think of Goodwill as just a place to dump clothes and unwanted junk instead of throwing them out, this Facebook page will clue you in to the many benefits of Goodwill as an organization.


The ultimate in social media, from GLAAD:  a Facebook page that launches a Twitter campaign.  Well done!